Fakenham Town LFC bootcamp!

As part of our sponsorship of Fakenham Town Ladies Football Club, we thought we’d put the squad through their paces at one of their bi-weekly training sessions, with a military inspired bootcamp!

Led by our team member, Nik Bryan (ex Army Air Core), we set up circuit training for around 18 of the squad. The circuit included squats, planks, core exercises, shuttle runs, and a dance break!

Our Sports Therapist, Fredericka Ellis de Bootman was also present to introduce herself, as we’ll soon begin a series of stretch recommendations, and tailored Sports Massage advice and treatment.

Following a warm up, Nik provided guidance on each exercise station, before we turned up the (questionable) music (including ABBA and the Cheeky Girls, by popular request) and got going!

The team spirit was high, as the players pushed each other on. The session lasted around 45 minutes, showing great stamina, and closed with a muscle stretching warm down.

Well done to the squad!